Support to the IEAB PM&A process
For over 10 years, the IEAB has been making national and diocesan efforts to develop a culture of planned work, with constant monitoring and evaluation.
I followed that beginning in the year 2000, with the carrying out of brief plans in the dioceses. And since 2019 I have collaborated with the planning, monitoring and evaluation process of the IEAB. I also collaborated in the elaboration of the strategic plans of the three areas of the Church in 2020 and of some dioceses.
In 2019, finally, a process of diagnosing the challenges of the Church in Brazil was possible, based on on-site visits to its 9 dioceses and the missionary district, document analysis and a national (provincial) seminary.
Based on this diagnosis, a national reference group (28 people) was formed to formulate a provincial strategic plan, through three workshops.
The Strategic Plan began to be implemented in 2020, amid the pandemic. For its management, a Management Group of 09 people was constituted, with representation from the three provincial areas (I, II and III), in addition to the presence of a bishop, the General Secretary of the Church and the consultant (Domingos Armani).
The Management Group meets ordinarily every month to monitor the progress of the Strategic Plan and propose initiatives that favor their implementation.